কোরা রেশম ছাড়া আন্তঃএশিয় পণ্যের মধ্যে গুরুত্বতমটি ছিল আফিম। বহুকাল ধরে ব্রিটিশপূর্ব সময় পর্যন্ত আফিমের মূলত ব্যবহার ছিল ওষুধ তৈরির কাজে। কর্কট রোগ, ব্যথাবেদনা, বার্ধক্যজনিত নানান সমস্যা সমাধানে আফিমের ব্যবহার ছিল অব্যর্থ। উপনিবেশ সময়ে লুঠেরা ব্রিটিশ এটিকে সাধারণভাবে নেশদ্রব্য হিসেবে বিক্রি করা শুরু করে। তখন বাংলার বদলে বেছে নেওয়া হয় মালিবের আফিমকে।
উপমহাদেশে মূলত দুটো অঞ্চলে আফিম উতপাদন হত, বাংলা-বিহার এবং মালব বা মালোয়া। ব্রিটিশ সময়ের আগে বিহারী আফিং ছিল সব থেকে বড় পণ্য। পোস্ত গাছএর ফলের নির্যাস থেকে আফিম তৈরি হত। ভাল আফিম ছিল বেগুনি রঙের আর খারাপটি লালের কাছাকাছি।
বিহার-বাংলার সব থেকে বেশি আফিম বিক্রি হত ইন্দোনিশিয় দ্বীপপুঞ্জে। রপ্তানি হত মালাবার উপকূল মার্ফত।
বিহার-বাংলায় মোটামুটি ৮৭০০ মন আফিম উতপাদন হত। মোট ৪৮টা পরগণার মধ্যে অর্ধেক ছিল উজির আসাদ খান, নবাব শায়েস্তা খান এবং তার পুত্র বুজুর্গ উম্মেদ খান।
বিহার-বাংলার সব থেকে বেশি আফিম বিক্রি হত ইন্দোনিশিয় দ্বীপপুঞ্জে। রপ্তানি হত মালাবার উপকূল মার্ফত।
বিহার-বাংলায় মোটামুটি ৮৭০০ মন আফিম উতপাদন হত। মোট ৪৮টা পরগণার মধ্যে অর্ধেক ছিল উজির আসাদ খান, নবাব শায়েস্তা খান এবং তার পুত্র বুজুর্গ উম্মেদ খান।
Besides raw silk, the only Bengal item that figured in the Company's intra-Asian trade in a significant manner was opium. The two major centres of production of this drug in seventeenth-century India were Bihar and Malwa. Until about 1670, the main area to which Bihar opium was sent was the Malabar coast, but thereafter the Indonesian archipelago became the principal market for this item. Indeed, Bihar soon became the sole supplier of opium to the archipelago. Opium was obtained from the immature fruits of the opium poppy Papaver somniferum. When incised, the fruit exuded a thick juice that was later dried and cut into cakes. The quality of the dried opium was judged by its colour. The best grade was brown, whereas the worst would have turned nearly red. There was an extensive range in between. Fresh opium could easily be adulterated with sand or other impurities without risk of immediate detection.
A Dutch account pertaining to the year 1688 estimated the annual output of opium in Bihar in a normal year at 8,700 maunds. This amount was produced in forty-eight parganas, half of which were held in jagir by Wazir Asad Khan, Nawab Shaista Khan, and his son Buzurg Ummed Khan, among others. The remaining parganas, accounting for nearly 61 percent of the total output were administered by revenue officials on behalf of the king as khalisa lands.Of the total output, 62 percent was of very good quality. The remaining 38 percent was distributed among various grades in a descending order of quality as follows: Grade II, 8.04 percent; grade III, 9.19 percent; grades IV and V, 8.62 percent each, and grade VI, 3.44 percent. The account went on to suggest further that of the total output, only about 0.6 percent was consumed within Bihar. Another about 10 to 12 percent was sent to other parts of the Bengal region. The exports to Agra and Allahabad reportedly accounted for yet another 34.5 to 46 percent of the total output. The remaining 41 to 55 percent was exported to other national and international markets. The average amount procured annually by the Dutch Company around this time was approximately 1,000 maunds, accounting for about 11.5 percent of the total output. This, of course, does not take into account the illegal private trade carried on by the Company's servants in this item, which often matched the trade carried on by the Company.
A Dutch account pertaining to the year 1688 estimated the annual output of opium in Bihar in a normal year at 8,700 maunds. This amount was produced in forty-eight parganas, half of which were held in jagir by Wazir Asad Khan, Nawab Shaista Khan, and his son Buzurg Ummed Khan, among others. The remaining parganas, accounting for nearly 61 percent of the total output were administered by revenue officials on behalf of the king as khalisa lands.Of the total output, 62 percent was of very good quality. The remaining 38 percent was distributed among various grades in a descending order of quality as follows: Grade II, 8.04 percent; grade III, 9.19 percent; grades IV and V, 8.62 percent each, and grade VI, 3.44 percent. The account went on to suggest further that of the total output, only about 0.6 percent was consumed within Bihar. Another about 10 to 12 percent was sent to other parts of the Bengal region. The exports to Agra and Allahabad reportedly accounted for yet another 34.5 to 46 percent of the total output. The remaining 41 to 55 percent was exported to other national and international markets. The average amount procured annually by the Dutch Company around this time was approximately 1,000 maunds, accounting for about 11.5 percent of the total output. This, of course, does not take into account the illegal private trade carried on by the Company's servants in this item, which often matched the trade carried on by the Company.
ওম প্রকাশের দ্য ডাচ ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানি এবং দ্য ইকনমি অব বেঙ্গল, ১৬৩০-১৭২০
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