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Friday, April 1, 2016
Vedic Sanskrit older than Avesta - Baudhayana mentions westward migrations from India: Dr N Kazanas1
The Aryan question has been hanging for many decades without any
definite conclusion, but with a lot of controversies and politics being
played around it. In the quest to bring out the various facets of the
Aryan issue, NewsGram decided to interview various scholars who have worked extensively towards unraveling the mystery of Aryan issue.
In this fourth instalment of ‘The Aryan Question’ series, NewsGram brings an exclusive interview with renowned Greek Indologist and author of many books on Aryan issue, Dr Nicholas Kazanas.
Interview withDr Nicholas Kazanas Nithin Sridhar: What
is the role of linguistics in analyzing the history and movement of
world languages? Is the linguistic approach enough to determine the
history and culture of any particular group of people? Dr. Nicholas Kazanas: The very first thing to say is that any interested party should read my recent publication ‘Vedic & Indo-European Studies’
(2015 Aditya Prakashan, N. Delhi) wherein I present all refutations of
the AIT and all evidence for the Out of India thesis. A subtitle should
read “All the linguistic evidence for Indigenism”. The
role of linguistics by itself is small since, of itself, it cannot give
dates. Linguists do offer dates, but these are mere conjectures and of
no value. Comparative linguists make enormous claims about their
“science” but, in fact, this is not a science since it can make no
truthful predictions the way Physics and Biology do. The so-called law
of universal and homogeneous change in the same environment has no
universal application and, therefore, no validity (as I show with many
examples in my book, especially IE (Indo-European) original retroflex
|ṛ| into Avestan). Dr Nicholas KazanasLinguistics
depends on the documentation. When it enters an undocumented or poorly
documented area and period, it makes conjectures which afterwards turn
out to be blunder. It can tell us much about the culture of a people,
but only if there is ample documentation and for antiquity, ample
archaeological material. NS: Can you
please explain the process by which the linguists arrive at the homeland
of a particular language or that of a proto-language? What are the
factors that determine the fixing up of such homelands? N Kazanas: Linguists
arrive at homelands through conjecture and where the homelands exist,
through literary evidence and archaeological materials. Every case
involves comparisons. In the end, it is the historical approach and its
discipline that determines the result.
The fact is that apart from
very certain cases like China, Japan, and some African peoples, other
homelands like that of the IEans or the Uralic people remain uncertain. Frankly,
I find the concern with homelands and the reconstruction of
protolanguages of little value. Linguistics should be concerned with the
four states of language as briefly stated in the Ṛigveda 1.164 and
later in Bhartṛhari. NS: In the
case of fixing a homeland for Proto-Indo-European languages, several
hypotheses have been put forward. Central Asia, Pontic Steppes, and even
India have been considered as a contender. Mainstream scholars who have
propounded AIT/AMT, have largely accepted the Pontic steppes as a
homeland. What is your view on the issue? Can you shed more light on
this? N Kazanas: The IE Urheimat has been placed in many areas from the Baltic lands to Central Asia and, of course, India. The Pontic Steppe is purely conjectural.
It has gained large acceptance only through mechanical repetition.
Neither linguistic nor paleontological and archaeological evidence
supports this homeland. And for these reasons, seasoned
archaeologists like Renfrew (of Cambr. Britain, now become linguist)
opted for other regions like the south-of-Caucasus area (or
North-eastern Turkey cum Armenia).
JV Day, a mainstreamer, has
shown in two studies (1994, 2001) that this is not a very probable
homeland. The people of the Kurgan culture (Pontic Steppe), he asserts,
did not, according to cranioskeletal remains, proceed further south or
west of Hungary!
Another mainstreamer, S Zimmer, admitted in 2002
in a debate with me, that the period we are dealing with and the matter
of the IE homeland and migrations obscure and problematic. Also Read: No evidence for warfare or invasion; Aryan migration too is a myth NS: You
have strongly argued against any invasion or migration of Aryan
language speakers into India. Can you elaborate regarding the evidence
that best establish a non-invasion, non-migration scenario? N Kazanas: The
AIT started as a sociological explanation of the caste system by French
and then British writers in the second half of the 18th cent. Some said
the Mesopotamians, others the Egyptians, had invaded and established
the four castes. Some English scholars rejected this. But the idea of
invasion stuck.
Max Müller introduced into this (comparative)
linguistics and promulgated the dates of Ṛigveda composition c 1200 BCE,
of Atharvaveda c 1000 and so on. So the invasion had to have occurred c
This is all nonsense. Müller’s evidence was only a ghost story in Kathāsaritsagara
which had one Kātyāyana whom Müller identified with the sūtra-writer of
the 3rd cent BCE and so concocted the chronology in neat 200-year
periods. In this he no doubt had to consider the chronology of Greek
history, which was a basic element for the European culture and Bishop
Usher’s date for the beginning of creation c 4000 BCE. Anyway,
Müller himself rejected this his own early view later in life declaring
that the Ṛg Veda could have been as early as 5000 BCE. This is not
usually stated by invasionists.
Archaeology has
not found any invasion or immigration. The culture in Saptasindhu is,
according to it, native and continuous until c600 BCE when the Persians
invaded. But, proponents of the AIT
proceeded to modify their pet theory constantly. What was invasion
became in the 1990’s a peaceful immigration; then in the 2000’s a
peaceful treacle of small waves that left no archaeological trace and
more recently the date of entry was pushed back to 2000 BCE.
post-2003 studies of DNA travels have shown a movement out of India,
not into it. And this should have sufficed. However, there are other
kinds of evidence, linguistic facts.
I have shown by comparing
more than 400 lexemes (nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs) with a
common stem in three IE languages (not two as is the usual, but wrong
practice) that of these Sanskrit lack about 50 (and most of these are of
doubtful IE descent as they are found only in Italic, Celtic and
Germanic tongues and are of recent usage); Germanic and Greek lack about
150 and the others 200 and more. Thus, Sanskrit has more of the common stock of vocabulary than any other IE language. (Kazanas 2015, ch 1, 2, 3). I
have also demonstrated that Sanskrit is far older than Avestan and that
Avestan broke away from the wider Saptasindhu, the land of the seven
rivers, moving north-westwards.(2015, ch4).
showed also that the isoglosses could have spread only from larger
Saptasindhu, probably the Bactria area and not from the Pontic Steppe
and the Kurgan culture (2015, ch5).
So much for linguistic
evidence. Literary evidence also tells the same tale. The Ṛigveda hymn
6.61.9,12 says that goddess Sarasvatī has made the five Vedic tribes
spread beyond the seven sister-rivers. Then hymn 4.1.3 says that the
Vedic people have been “here” (in Saptasindhu) all the time; 5.10.6 and
10.65.11 that the Vedic sages and the Aryan customs should spread over
the earth. Baudhāyana’s
Śrautasūtra 18.4 mentions two migrations of the Vedic people. One was
eastward, the Āyava. The other was westward, the Āmāvasa, and this
produced the Gāndāris (Gandhāra and Bactria), the Parśus Persians and
the Arattas (of Urartu and/or Ararat on the Caucasus?). Map
showing the “seven rivers and Sarasvatī”; various sites with Harappan
artefacts far from Saptasindhu; also the two movements eastward by Āyu
and westward by Amāvasu.
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