Thursday, August 30, 2018

হর্ষবর্ধনের বিশ্বদৃষ্টি - হিউএনসাংএর সঙ্গে আলাপচারিতা

হিউএনসাংএর সঙ্গে শিলাদিত্য, চিনে Shiluoyiduo নামে পরিচিত, রাজা হর্ষবর্ধনের ব্যক্তিগত আলাপচারিতায় কনৌজ আর চিনের রাজকীয় দৌত্য শুরু হয়। হর্ষ রাজা চিনের তাং রাজত্ব সম্বন্ধে বিশদে খবর রাখতেন। তানসেন সেন লিখছেন -
In reference to the Indian king's knowledge about the Tang
empire and its current ruler, Xuanzang records the following dialogue he had with Harsa at their initial meeting:
[Harra said,] "In Mahacina, I have heard, there is a Prince of
Qin. When young he was clever and when he grew up he was a divine warrior. The past dynasty had left the country in disarray and calamity. Armies fought each other and people suffered. The Prince of Qin, as the Son of Heaven harbored
profound plans when he was young, came to rescue the sentient beings out of great compassion and love. Mter pacifying the areas within the seas (i.e., China), his moral instructions spread afar and widely, while his virtuous grace was far-reaching. Nations from different directions and regions, in admiration for his transformation, came to succumb to his sovereignty. His people, out of their gratitude toward [his effort to] rear and protect them, all chanted 'the Song of Prince Qin Destroying [the Enemies] ' battle-arrays. It has been long since we here have heard this elegant song. There are indeed [genuine] reasons for [the people] to praise his outstanding virtues! Isn't the Great Tang the country [ruled] by this [prince]? "
উত্তরে চিন এবং রাজার সম্বন্ধে বিশদে বললেন হিউএনসাং। এর উত্তরে Harsa বললেন: "Excellent! The people of your land must have performed good deeds in order to have such a saintly lord.
সূত্র তানসেন সেন, বুদ্ধিজম ডিপ্লোম্যাসি এন্ড ট্রেড ১৮ পাতা

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