Monday, October 2, 2017

উপনিবেশ বিরোধী চর্চা - কোম্পানি আগাগোড়া রাজনৈতিক

১৭৬৪ সালে মীর কাশিমের জোট হেরে গেল। ক্লাইভ আর ভ্যান্সিস্টার্টএর ক্ষমতার লড়ায়ে উদ্বিগ্ন কোম্পানির বকলমে সাম্রাজ্য রাজনৈতিক কারণেই বাংলার রাশ হাতে রাখতে চাইছে - এই জয়ে বাংলার বিরাট বাজার তাদের দেশের পণ্যের জন্য খোলা গেল। যাঁরা বলেন কোম্পানি ব্যবসার জন্য বাংলা দখল করেছিল, তারা জেনেশুনেই মিথ্যে বলেন। নিচে মীর কাশেম হারের পরে কোম্পানির রাজনৈতিক বক্তব্য(তৃতীয় স্তবক দেখুন) -
The acquisitions obtained from Jaffier Ally Khaun, Lord Clive’s Nabob, and afterwards the cessions made by Mr. Vansittart’s Nabob, Cossim Ally Khaun, are so very considerable, that Bengal is become the chief support of the company…the proprietors must readily acknowledge that such possessions… are objects of utmost importance, not only to the company, but to the [British] nation in general…There are other considerations…
We receive from that presidency annually four or five ships richly laden with the manufactures and produce of that kingdom, the sales of which cargoes in England may be computed on a very reasonable calculation at twelve hundred thousand pounds sterling. We export to that presidency a very large quantity of British manufactures and commodities, such as broadcloth, lead, copper, and many other articles…
There is no doubt that the demand for British manufactures will increase in Bengal as soon as the commotions in that country are at an end, and peace restored; there is likewise great reason to think, that were we at leisure to make experiments, and set on foot discoveries, new markets for the consumption of our home manufactures might be found…Bengal is the granary of Indostan; and our settlements on the two coasts of that peninsula would scarce be able to subsist, were it not for the supplies of rice they annually receive by shipping from Calcutta.
{Myth, Language, Empire: The East India Company and the Construction of British India, 1757-1857: Nida Sajid}

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